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Plugin for @sapphire/framework to have a Sapphire store which you can fill with utility functions available through the container.

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When writing a bot you often have many external utility functions and to have some centralized place to access them from it is useful to have an automatically imported utilities store. This plugin provides a store that you can fill with utility functions and access them from the container.

Please note that utility functions are available on the Sapphire container only after the bot has logged in, any functions required before logging in should be exported through normal module loading means.


@sapphire/plugin-utilities-store depends on the following packages. Be sure to install these along with this package!

You can use the following command to install this package, or replace npm install with your package manager of choice.

npm install @sapphire/plugin-utilities-store


Start by importing the registration file in your project to use the plugin:




import '@sapphire/plugin-utilities-store/register';
  • Create a new utilities directory under /src
  • Make your first utility piece:
import { Utility } from '@sapphire/plugin-utilities-store';

export class SumUtility extends Utility {
public constructor(context: Utility.LoaderContext, options: Utility.Options) {
super(context, {
name: 'sum'

public add(numberOne: number, numberTwo: number) {
return numberOne + numberTwo;

public subtract(numberOne: number, numberTwo: number) {
return numberOne - numberTwo;

In this example we simply add and subtract two numbers. You can pass any arguments you wish to the utility function, and it will execute as written.

In order for TypeScript to know about your utility functions and their arguments you need to do leverage module augmentation. SumUtility here is the piece class as defined in the example above.

declare module '@sapphire/plugin-utilities-store' {
export interface Utilities {
sum: SumUtility;

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