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Function: fetch()

Performs an HTTP(S) fetch


The URL to send the request to. Can be either a string or an URL object. url should be an absolute url, such as A path-relative URL (/file/under/root) or protocol-relative URL (// will result in a rejected Promise.


The `Request` (RequestInit for TypeScript)


The FetchResultTypes

Call Signature

fetch<R>(url: string | URL, type?: JSON): Promise<R>

Defined in: projects/utilities/packages/fetch/src/lib/fetch.ts:16

Performs an HTTP(S) fetch

Type Parameters

Type Parameter


urlstring | URLThe URL to send the request to. Can be either a string or an URL object. url should be an absolute url, such as A path-relative URL (/file/under/root) or protocol-relative URL (// will result in a rejected Promise.
type?JSONThe FetchResultTypes



The return type is determined by the provided type.

  • When using FetchResultTypes.JSON then the return type is unknown by default. The type should be specified by filling in the generic type of the function, or casting the result.
  • When using FetchResultTypes.Buffer the return type will be `Buffer`.
  • When using FetchResultTypes.Blob the return type will be a `Blob`.
  • When using FetchResultTypes.Text the return type will be a string
  • When using FetchResultTypes.Result the return type will be a `Response` (Response in typescript)

A JSON of the response body. Defaults to unknown, with the type set by passing the generic type of this function, or casting the result.


The URL to send the request to. Can be either a string or an URL object. url should be an absolute url, such as A path-relative URL (/file/under/root) or protocol-relative URL (// will result in a rejected Promise.


The `Request` (RequestInit for TypeScript)


The FetchResultTypes

Call Signature

fetch<R>(url: string | URL, options: RequestOptions, type?: JSON): Promise<R>

Defined in: projects/utilities/packages/fetch/src/lib/fetch.ts:27

Performs an HTTP(S) fetch

Type Parameters

Type Parameter


urlstring | URLThe URL to send the request to. Can be either a string or an URL object. url should be an absolute url, such as A path-relative URL (/file/under/root) or protocol-relative URL (// will result in a rejected Promise.
optionsRequestOptionsThe `Request` (RequestInit for TypeScript)
type?JSONThe FetchResultTypes



The return type is determined by the provided type.

  • When using FetchResultTypes.JSON then the return type is unknown by default. The type should be specified by filling in the generic type of the function, or casting the result.
  • When using FetchResultTypes.Buffer the return type will be `Buffer`.
  • When using FetchResultTypes.Blob the return type will be a `Blob`.
  • When using FetchResultTypes.Text the return type will be a string
  • When using FetchResultTypes.Result the return type will be a `Response` (Response in typescript)

A JSON of the response body. Defaults to unknown, with the type set by passing the generic type of this function, or casting the result.


The URL to send the request to. Can be either a string or an URL object. url should be an absolute url, such as A path-relative URL (/file/under/root) or protocol-relative URL (// will result in a rejected Promise.


The `Request` (RequestInit for TypeScript)


The FetchResultTypes

Call Signature

fetch(url: string | URL, type: Buffer): Promise<Buffer>

Defined in: projects/utilities/packages/fetch/src/lib/fetch.ts:37

Performs an HTTP(S) fetch


urlstring | URLThe URL to send the request to. Can be either a string or an URL object. url should be an absolute url, such as A path-relative URL (/file/under/root) or protocol-relative URL (// will result in a rejected Promise.
typeBufferThe FetchResultTypes



The return type is determined by the provided type.

  • When using FetchResultTypes.JSON then the return type is unknown by default. The type should be specified by filling in the generic type of the function, or casting the result.
  • When using FetchResultTypes.Buffer the return type will be `Buffer`.
  • When using FetchResultTypes.Blob the return type will be a `Blob`.
  • When using FetchResultTypes.Text the return type will be a string
  • When using FetchResultTypes.Result the return type will be a `Response` (Response in typescript)

A `Buffer` of the response body


The URL to send the request to. Can be either a string or an URL object. url should be an absolute url, such as A path-relative URL (/file/under/root) or protocol-relative URL (// will result in a rejected Promise.


The `Request` (RequestInit for TypeScript)


The FetchResultTypes

Call Signature

fetch(url: string | URL, options: RequestOptions, type: Buffer): Promise<Buffer>

Defined in: projects/utilities/packages/fetch/src/lib/fetch.ts:48

Performs an HTTP(S) fetch


urlstring | URLThe URL to send the request to. Can be either a string or an URL object. url should be an absolute url, such as A path-relative URL (/file/under/root) or protocol-relative URL (// will result in a rejected Promise.
optionsRequestOptionsThe `Request` (RequestInit for TypeScript)
typeBufferThe FetchResultTypes



The return type is determined by the provided type.

  • When using FetchResultTypes.JSON then the return type is unknown by default. The type should be specified by filling in the generic type of the function, or casting the result.
  • When using FetchResultTypes.Buffer the return type will be `Buffer`.
  • When using FetchResultTypes.Blob the return type will be a `Blob`.
  • When using FetchResultTypes.Text the return type will be a string
  • When using FetchResultTypes.Result the return type will be a `Response` (Response in typescript)

A `Buffer` of the response body


The URL to send the request to. Can be either a string or an URL object. url should be an absolute url, such as A path-relative URL (/file/under/root) or protocol-relative URL (// will result in a rejected Promise.


The `Request` (RequestInit for TypeScript)


The FetchResultTypes

Call Signature

fetch(url: string | URL, type: Blob): Promise<Blob>

Defined in: projects/utilities/packages/fetch/src/lib/fetch.ts:58

Performs an HTTP(S) fetch


urlstring | URLThe URL to send the request to. Can be either a string or an URL object. url should be an absolute url, such as A path-relative URL (/file/under/root) or protocol-relative URL (// will result in a rejected Promise.
typeBlobThe FetchResultTypes



The return type is determined by the provided type.

  • When using FetchResultTypes.JSON then the return type is unknown by default. The type should be specified by filling in the generic type of the function, or casting the result.
  • When using FetchResultTypes.Buffer the return type will be `Buffer`.
  • When using FetchResultTypes.Blob the return type will be a `Blob`.
  • When using FetchResultTypes.Text the return type will be a string
  • When using FetchResultTypes.Result the return type will be a `Response` (Response in typescript)

A `Blob` of the response body


The URL to send the request to. Can be either a string or an URL object. url should be an absolute url, such as A path-relative URL (/file/under/root) or protocol-relative URL (// will result in a rejected Promise.


The `Request` (RequestInit for TypeScript)


The FetchResultTypes

Call Signature

fetch(url: string | URL, options: RequestOptions, type: Blob): Promise<Blob>

Defined in: projects/utilities/packages/fetch/src/lib/fetch.ts:69

Performs an HTTP(S) fetch


urlstring | URLThe URL to send the request to. Can be either a string or an URL object. url should be an absolute url, such as A path-relative URL (/file/under/root) or protocol-relative URL (// will result in a rejected Promise.
optionsRequestOptionsThe `Request` (RequestInit for TypeScript)
typeBlobThe FetchResultTypes



The return type is determined by the provided type.

  • When using FetchResultTypes.JSON then the return type is unknown by default. The type should be specified by filling in the generic type of the function, or casting the result.
  • When using FetchResultTypes.Buffer the return type will be `Buffer`.
  • When using FetchResultTypes.Blob the return type will be a `Blob`.
  • When using FetchResultTypes.Text the return type will be a string
  • When using FetchResultTypes.Result the return type will be a `Response` (Response in typescript)

A `Blob` of the response body


The URL to send the request to. Can be either a string or an URL object. url should be an absolute url, such as A path-relative URL (/file/under/root) or protocol-relative URL (// will result in a rejected Promise.


The `Request` (RequestInit for TypeScript)


The FetchResultTypes

Call Signature

fetch(url: string | URL, type: Text): Promise<string>

Defined in: projects/utilities/packages/fetch/src/lib/fetch.ts:79

Performs an HTTP(S) fetch


urlstring | URLThe URL to send the request to. Can be either a string or an URL object. url should be an absolute url, such as A path-relative URL (/file/under/root) or protocol-relative URL (// will result in a rejected Promise.
typeTextThe FetchResultTypes



The return type is determined by the provided type.

  • When using FetchResultTypes.JSON then the return type is unknown by default. The type should be specified by filling in the generic type of the function, or casting the result.
  • When using FetchResultTypes.Buffer the return type will be `Buffer`.
  • When using FetchResultTypes.Blob the return type will be a `Blob`.
  • When using FetchResultTypes.Text the return type will be a string
  • When using FetchResultTypes.Result the return type will be a `Response` (Response in typescript)

The response body as a raw string.


The URL to send the request to. Can be either a string or an URL object. url should be an absolute url, such as A path-relative URL (/file/under/root) or protocol-relative URL (// will result in a rejected Promise.


The `Request` (RequestInit for TypeScript)


The FetchResultTypes

Call Signature

fetch(url: string | URL, options: RequestOptions, type: Text): Promise<string>

Defined in: projects/utilities/packages/fetch/src/lib/fetch.ts:90

Performs an HTTP(S) fetch


urlstring | URLThe URL to send the request to. Can be either a string or an URL object. url should be an absolute url, such as A path-relative URL (/file/under/root) or protocol-relative URL (// will result in a rejected Promise.
optionsRequestOptionsThe `Request` (RequestInit for TypeScript)
typeTextThe FetchResultTypes



The return type is determined by the provided type.

  • When using FetchResultTypes.JSON then the return type is unknown by default. The type should be specified by filling in the generic type of the function, or casting the result.
  • When using FetchResultTypes.Buffer the return type will be `Buffer`.
  • When using FetchResultTypes.Blob the return type will be a `Blob`.
  • When using FetchResultTypes.Text the return type will be a string
  • When using FetchResultTypes.Result the return type will be a `Response` (Response in typescript)

The response body as a raw string.


The URL to send the request to. Can be either a string or an URL object. url should be an absolute url, such as A path-relative URL (/file/under/root) or protocol-relative URL (// will result in a rejected Promise.


The `Request` (RequestInit for TypeScript)


The FetchResultTypes

Call Signature

fetch(url: string | URL, type: Result): Promise<Response>

Defined in: projects/utilities/packages/fetch/src/lib/fetch.ts:100

Performs an HTTP(S) fetch


urlstring | URLThe URL to send the request to. Can be either a string or an URL object. url should be an absolute url, such as A path-relative URL (/file/under/root) or protocol-relative URL (// will result in a rejected Promise.
typeResultThe FetchResultTypes



The return type is determined by the provided type.

  • When using FetchResultTypes.JSON then the return type is unknown by default. The type should be specified by filling in the generic type of the function, or casting the result.
  • When using FetchResultTypes.Buffer the return type will be `Buffer`.
  • When using FetchResultTypes.Blob the return type will be a `Blob`.
  • When using FetchResultTypes.Text the return type will be a string
  • When using FetchResultTypes.Result the return type will be a `Response` (Response in typescript)

The raw `Response` (Response in typescript).


The URL to send the request to. Can be either a string or an URL object. url should be an absolute url, such as A path-relative URL (/file/under/root) or protocol-relative URL (// will result in a rejected Promise.


The `Request` (RequestInit for TypeScript)


The FetchResultTypes

Call Signature

fetch(url: string | URL, options: RequestOptions, type: Result): Promise<Response>

Defined in: projects/utilities/packages/fetch/src/lib/fetch.ts:111

Performs an HTTP(S) fetch


urlstring | URLThe URL to send the request to. Can be either a string or an URL object. url should be an absolute url, such as A path-relative URL (/file/under/root) or protocol-relative URL (// will result in a rejected Promise.
optionsRequestOptionsThe `Request` (RequestInit for TypeScript)
typeResultThe FetchResultTypes



The return type is determined by the provided type.

  • When using FetchResultTypes.JSON then the return type is unknown by default. The type should be specified by filling in the generic type of the function, or casting the result.
  • When using FetchResultTypes.Buffer the return type will be `Buffer`.
  • When using FetchResultTypes.Blob the return type will be a `Blob`.
  • When using FetchResultTypes.Text the return type will be a string
  • When using FetchResultTypes.Result the return type will be a `Response` (Response in typescript)

The raw `Response` (Response in typescript).


The URL to send the request to. Can be either a string or an URL object. url should be an absolute url, such as A path-relative URL (/file/under/root) or protocol-relative URL (// will result in a rejected Promise.


The `Request` (RequestInit for TypeScript)


The FetchResultTypes

Call Signature

fetch<R>(url: string | URL, options: RequestOptions, type: FetchResultTypes): Promise<Response | Blob | Buffer | string | R>

Defined in: projects/utilities/packages/fetch/src/lib/fetch.ts:127

Performs an HTTP(S) fetch

Type Parameters

Type Parameter


urlstring | URLThe URL to send the request to. Can be either a string or an URL object. url should be an absolute url, such as A path-relative URL (/file/under/root) or protocol-relative URL (// will result in a rejected Promise.
optionsRequestOptionsThe `Request` (RequestInit for TypeScript)
typeFetchResultTypesThe FetchResultTypes


Promise<Response | Blob | Buffer | string | R>

The return type is determined by the provided type.

  • When using FetchResultTypes.JSON then the return type is unknown by default. The type should be specified by filling in the generic type of the function, or casting the result.
  • When using FetchResultTypes.Buffer the return type will be `Buffer`.
  • When using FetchResultTypes.Blob the return type will be a `Blob`.
  • When using FetchResultTypes.Text the return type will be a string
  • When using FetchResultTypes.Result the return type will be a `Response` (Response in typescript)

The return type is determined by the provided type.

  • When using FetchResultTypes.JSON then the return type is unknown by default. The type should be specified by filling in the generic type of the function, or casting the result.
  • When using FetchResultTypes.Buffer the return type will be `Buffer`.
  • When using FetchResultTypes.Blob the return type will be a `Blob`.
  • When using FetchResultTypes.Text the return type will be a string
  • When using FetchResultTypes.Result the return type will be a `Response` (Response in typescript)


The URL to send the request to. Can be either a string or an URL object. url should be an absolute url, such as A path-relative URL (/file/under/root) or protocol-relative URL (// will result in a rejected Promise.


The `Request` (RequestInit for TypeScript)


The FetchResultTypes