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Create custom component templates

Enable custom component templates

"$schema": "",
"projectLanguage": "ts",
"locations": {
"base": "src",
"arguments": "arguments",
"commands": "commands",
"listeners": "listeners",
"preconditions": "preconditions"
"interactions-handlers": "interactions-handlers",
"routes": "routes"
"customFileTemplates": {
"enabled": true,
"location": "templates"

If you use JSON, our schema allows your text editor to provide automatic completions.

customFileTemplates.enabledEnables/disables custom component templates
customFileTemplates.locationThe location of your templates

Create a template

First, create a file in your template directory with a name in the format <templateName>.<language>.sapphire (e.g command.ts.sapphire). Note that if you give it the same name as one of our provided defaults, your local template will override the default one.

All templates have two components: the config, and the template. These are separated by ---. Let's set up our config now, like so:

"category": "commands"

The category field is how the Sapphire CLI determines what type of template you are creating, and therefore where it belongs by looking it up in your .sapphirerc file. Our default categories are commands, listeners, arguments, and preconditions, but you can add your own. We'll use the commands category here.

Next, we add our separator to start forming the template, like so:

"category": "commands"

Finally, we add the template. Format strings are denoted by {{variable}} - this means that when the components are generated, the respective values are substituted in.

"category": "commands"
import { ApplyOptions } from '@sapphire/decorators';
import { MyExtendedCommand } from './somewhere';
import { Message } from 'discord.js';

description: 'A basic command'
export class {{name}}Command extends MyExtendedCommand {
public async messageRun(message: Message) {
return'Hello world!');

If you look at the name of the class, you will see it includes {{name}}. In this context, the formatting variable name will be replaced with the command's name when you generate the component. For example, if we created this component with the name HelloWorld, the name of the exported class would be HelloWorldCommand. Formatting variables are not required, but they're there if you need dynamic templating.

Now you can generate components using your template!

See the page on generating components for more information.