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Getting Started


Sapphire CLI is a utility that helps you create and manage Sapphire projects.

To install @sapphire/cli, you can use one of the following methods:

  • With npm or pnpm, use the global flag:

    npm install -g @sapphire/cli


    pnpm add -g @sapphire/cli
  • With yarn (v2 and beyond), use the dlx command ↗️ (note that this will immediately execute the CLI, not install it globally for use later. Yarn no longer has global dependencies.):

    yarn dlx @sapphire/cli
  • If you're using Volta ↗️ to manage your NodeJS versions, you can install the CLI tools with the following command:

    volta install @sapphire/cli

After setting up a project we also recommend adding the CLI as a development dependency, so you and all other contributors to your project can use the CLI for that particular project.


CLI requires Node 18 or higher.

Setting up a new project

Creating a bot

Lets start creating a new project. The first thing to run is the new command:

sapphire new

After running sapphire new you will be prompted with several questions that require your attention and that we will use to generate your project.

First of all, we will need to know the name of your project. This will be used as the folder name in which we'll setup the project. This will default to my-sapphire-bot.

sapphire new
? What's the name of your project? » my-sapphire-bot

Next you will need to choose which programming language you want to use. Currently we support JavaScript and TypeScript.

sapphire new
√ What's the name of your project? ... my-sapphire-bot
? Choose a language for your project » - Use arrow-keys. Return to submit.
> TypeScript (Recommended)

After choosing the programming language we have several templates from which you can choose. We will go with the default template for this guide.

sapphire new
√ What's the name of your project? ... my-sapphire-bot
√ Choose a language for your project » TypeScript (Recommended)
? Choose a template for your project » - Use arrow-keys. Return to submit.
> Default template (Recommended)
with Docker
with tsup
with SWC

The following step is to choose the markup language to use for your config file, we support JSON and YAML. For this guide we will choose YAML.

sapphire new
√ What's the name of your project? ... my-sapphire-bot
√ Choose a language for your project » TypeScript (Recommended)
√ Choose a template for your project » Default template (Recommended)
? What format do you want your config file to be in? » - Use arrow-keys. Return to submit.

The next step is to choose the package manager to use. We support npm and yarn. For this guide we will choose Yarn.

sapphire new
√ What's the name of your project? ... my-sapphire-bot
√ Choose a language for your project » TypeScript (Recommended)
√ Choose a template for your project » Default template (Recommended)
√ What format do you want your config file to be in? » YAML
? What package manager do you want to use? » - Use arrow-keys. Return to submit.
> Yarn (Recommended)

When selecting Yarn you can choose to use Yarn v3 (the latest version), or stick to Yarn v1. For this guide we will choose Yarn v3.

sapphire new
√ What's the name of your project? ... my-sapphire-bot
√ Choose a language for your project » TypeScript (Recommended)
√ Choose a template for your project » Default template (Recommended)
√ What format do you want your config file to be in? » YAML
√ What package manager do you want to use? » Yarn (Recommended)
? Do you want to use Yarn v3? » (y/N)

Lastly, if you want to initialize a git repository in your project, type y when asked, then press enter to finish up. If you don't want a git repository then you can just hit enter to finish.

sapphire new
√ What's the name of your project? ... my-sapphire-bot
√ Choose a language for your project » TypeScript (Recommended)
√ Choose a template for your project » Default template (Recommended)
√ What format do you want your config file to be in? » YAML
√ What package manager do you want to use? » Yarn (Recommended)
√ Do you want to use Yarn v3? ... yes
? Do you want to create a git repository for this project? » (y/N)

Now wait for the CLI to create your project and install the dependencies. This should take ~2 minutes, but it may be more depending on your hardware as well as on your internet speed.

sapphire new
√ What's the name of your project? ... my-sapphire-bot
√ Choose a language for your project » TypeScript (Recommended)
√ Choose a template for your project » Default template (Recommended)
√ What format do you want your config file to be in? » YAML
√ What package manager do you want to use? » Yarn (Recommended)
√ Do you want to use Yarn v3? ... yes
√ Do you want to create a git repository for this project? ... yes
✔ Cloning the repository
✔ Setting up the project
✔ Initializing git repo
✔ Installing Yarn v3
✔ Installing Yarn Typescript Plugin
✔ Installing dependencies using Yarn

Congratulations! You created a bot using Sapphire CLI. You can consult the README to see what you need to do before running your bot.

cat my-sapphire-bot/
# TypeScript Sapphire Bot example

This is a basic setup of a Discord bot using the [sapphire framework][sapphire] written in TypeScript
Existing project

Using Sapphire CLI on an existing project

Lets start initializing Sapphire CLI in your project. The first thing to run is the init command:

sapphire init

The following step is to choose the markup language to use for your config file, we support JSON and YAML. For this guide we will choose YAML.

sapphire init
? What format do you want your config file to be in? » - Use arrow-keys. Return to submit.

Next you will need to choose which programming language you are using in your project. Currently we support JavaScript and TypeScript.

sapphire init
√ What format do you want your config file to be in? » YAML
? Choose the language used in your project » - Use arrow-keys. Return to submit.
> TypeScript

After choosing the programming language we need to know in which folder your bot's entry point is located. This will default to src.

sapphire init
√ What format do you want your config file to be in? » YAML
√ Choose the language used in your project » TypeScript
? Your base directory » src

Then we need to know in which folder you store your commands, without including the base as specified in the previous step. This will default to commands.

sapphire init
√ What format do you want your config file to be in? » YAML
√ Choose the language used in your project » TypeScript
√ Your base directory ... src
? Where do you store your commands? (do not include the base) » commands

We also need to know in which folder you store your listeners, without including the base as specified before. This will default to listeners.

sapphire init
√ What format do you want your config file to be in? » YAML
√ Choose the language used in your project » TypeScript
√ Your base directory ... src
√ Where do you store your commands? (do not include the base) ... commands
? Where do you store your listeners? (do not include the base) » listeners

Then we need to know in which folder you store your arguments, without including the base as specified before. This will default to arguments.

sapphire init
√ What format do you want your config file to be in? » YAML
√ Choose the language used in your project » TypeScript
√ Your base directory ... src
√ Where do you store your commands? (do not include the base) ... commands
√ Where do you store your listeners? (do not include the base) ... listeners
? Where do you store your arguments? (do not include the base) » arguments

Then we need to know in which folder you store your preconditions, without including the base as specified before. This will default to preconditions.

sapphire init
√ What format do you want your config file to be in? » YAML
√ Choose the language used in your project » TypeScript
√ Your base directory ... src
√ Where do you store your commands? (do not include the base) ... commands
√ Where do you store your listeners? (do not include the base) ... listeners
√ Where do you store your arguments? (do not include the base) ... arguments
? Where do you store your preconditions? (do not include the base) » preconditions

And lastly please specify in which folder you store your interaction-handlers, without including the base as specified before. This will default to interaction-handlers.

sapphire init
√ What format do you want your config file to be in? » YAML
√ Choose the language used in your project » TypeScript
√ Your base directory ... src
√ Where do you store your commands? (do not include the base) ... commands
√ Where do you store your listeners? (do not include the base) ... listeners
√ Where do you store your arguments? (do not include the base) ... arguments
√ Where do you store your preconditions? (do not include the base) » preconditions
? Where do you store your interaction-handlers? (do not include the base) » interaction-handlers

The next to last step is to choose if you use the api plugin, type y and enter if you use it or go use it. If you don't use it or aren't going to use it, just enter.

sapphire init
√ What format do you want your config file to be in? » YAML
√ Choose the language used in your project » TypeScript
√ Your base directory ... src
√ Where do you store your commands? (do not include the base) ... commands
√ Where do you store your listeners? (do not include the base) ... listeners
√ Where do you store your arguments? (do not include the base) ... arguments
√ Where do you store your preconditions? (do not include the base) » preconditions
√ Where do you store your interaction-handlers? (do not include the base) » interaction-handlers
? Would you use the api plugin? » (y/N)

The last step is to choose if you want to enable custom file (piece) templates, type y and enter if you want to enable it. If you don't want to enable it, just enter.

sapphire init
√ What format do you want your config file to be in? » YAML
√ Choose the language used in your project » TypeScript
√ Your base directory ... src
√ Where do you store your commands? (do not include the base) ... commands
√ Where do you store your listeners? (do not include the base) ... listeners
√ Where do you store your arguments? (do not include the base) ... arguments
√ Where do you store your preconditions? (do not include the base) ... preconditions
? Do you want to enable custom file templates? » (y/N)

Done! You can now start using the Sapphire CLI in your project. 🎉

sapphire init
√ What format do you want your config file to be in? » YAML
√ Choose the language used in your project » TypeScript
√ Your base directory ... src
√ Where do you store your commands? (do not include the base) ... commands
√ Where do you store your listeners? (do not include the base) ... listeners
√ Where do you store your arguments? (do not include the base) ... arguments
√ Where do you store your preconditions? (do not include the base) ... preconditions
√ Do you want to enable custom file templates? ... no