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Registering custom paths for a store

While Sapphire sets specific folder names for the stores, you may want to use different folder names. Sapphire enables you to have this level of customization, and we will cover how to achieve this on this page.

For this guide we will use the store interaction-handlers as an example as it is one store name that even when we implemented it, we had a long open discussion with the community on how we would name this store. We switched between just handlers or interactionHandlers, to eventually interaction-handlers.

Lets say we want Sapphire to also recognise the folder named handlers. To make sure Sapphire does this, we need to register the folder path for the store. The best way to do this is by first extending the SapphireClient and overloading the constructor:

const { SapphireClient } = require('@sapphire/framework');

class MyOverloadedClient extends SapphireClient {
constructor(options) {
module.exports = {

Next, we need to register the folder path for the store. We can do this by using the registerPath method of a Store. Here we use the getRootData method from @sapphire/pieces which is also the method that Sapphire uses internally to determine the base folder where the stores are (i.e. dist for TypeScript users, src for JavaScript users). We then use this the result of this getRootData function to join the root folder with the folder name interaction, which will handle the registering of the folder.

const { SapphireClient } = require('@sapphire/framework');
const { getRootData } = require('@sapphire/pieces');
const { join } = require('node:path');

class MyOverloadedClient extends SapphireClient {
rootData = getRootData();

constructor(options) {

this.stores.get('interaction-handlers').registerPath(join(this.rootData.root, 'interactions'));
module.exports = {

Once the interactions folder is registered this way, Sapphire will automatically also load InteractionHandler classes from this folder.