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Updating from v2 to v3

A general tip concerning code duplication

You will notice that with these new features, you may encounter a lot of code duplication, especially if you plan on supporting all 3 types of commands. While we cannot control how you code your bot, we have a recommendation for you: abstract the argument parsing from the final function.

What does this mean? As an example let's take a look at a ban command: it needs to process the member to ban as well an optional reason, action the member, and reply to the invoker of the command. In your *Run methods, you should parse the member and reason, then pass those down to a method you build that handles the actual banning and replying to the invoker.

However you end up handling situations like this will be up to you, but this our tip for you. 😄


⚠️ Warnings

Per the deprecation in v2, the run method from commands is officially removed entirely and will not be aliased nor emit a warning when it's present instead of messageRun.


Again, we reiterate. If you want to keep using message based commands and have NOT moved your run method to messageRun, you MUST do it. You will not get any more runtime warnings, nor TypeScript errors. You have been warned.

Secondly, the messageRun method is no longer abstract. This mostly affects TypeScript users, but to clarify, due to the nature of our implementation, you are no longer forced to implement any of the *Run methods in your code


With that said, you ought to override at least one of the methods if you expect the command to work. That could be either the messageRun method, the chatInputRun method or the contextMenuRun method.

New stuff

Type guards

For TypeScript users (as well as JavaScript users that have TS checking enabled), the Command class now has 4 type guards:

These return true if the Command class you're invoking them on supports the respective *Run methods

const command = stores.get('commands').get('example');

if (command.supportsMessageCommands()) {
console.log(`We can run message commands in the example command!`);
// We know that this method is defined and present
await command.messageRun(message);

Application Command Registry and what is it?

There is a new property on the Command class (applicationCommandRegistry]) and a new method (registerApplicationCommands). While Application Command Registry goes more in-depth about what the registry is and how it works, here's a basic run down of what they represent:


This is a shortcut for the command's application command registry. There can only ever be 1 registry for 1 command name. Realistically, it's kind of useless for most use-cases, but it's there for those that want it.


This method is called when a command gets loaded into the store, and is responsible for adding the builders or command data for application commands. In the event the data you provided for registering the application command is invalid, a CommandApplicationCommandRegistryError (commandApplicationCommandRegistryError) event is emitted with the error and the command that had the error.


If you've already registered the chat input command manually, or Sapphire registered it for you, copy the id from your console and paste it in the idHints property of the chatInputCommand object. That will make Sapphire recognize the command in the future, and update metadata (like the name, description, default permission or future fields) instead of creating a new command. You can read more about what the idHints property actually on the page about registering chat input commands Registering Chat Input Commands -> idHints

Here's a simple example of how you can easily register a chat input command and handle its interactions right away!

const { Command } = require('@sapphire/framework');

class SlashCommand extends Command {
constructor(context, options) {
super(context, {
description: 'Says hello.'

registerApplicationCommands(registry) {
registry.registerChatInputCommand((builder) =>
builder //

chatInputRun(interaction) {
return interaction.reply({
content: `Hello World!`
module.exports = {


⚠️ Breaking Changes

The run method has been removed from Preconditions. In it's place, just like for Commands, there are 3 new optional methods you can create: messageRun, chatInputRun and contextMenuRun.


Just like in Commands, you ought to specify at least one of the methods if you expect the preconditions to work. That could be either the messageRun method, the chatInputRun method or the contextMenuRun method.


For TypeScript users, the Precondition class is no longer abstract. This is due to the fact we cannot mark the methods as conditionally abstract sadly, so it's up to you to implement the handlers required.


You don't have to worry if you forget to implement a method for your preconditions that is expected to be there for your commands. We air on the side of caution, so if we expect a method to be present, but it is missing, we will immediately prevent the command from being ran and you will see the error in the following events:

  • For chat input commands, you will receive a chatInputCommandDenied event
  • For context menu commands, you will receive a contextMenuCommandDenied event
  • For message commands, you will receive a messageCommandDenied event

This decision was taken to prevent accidental escalations from happening in your commands (think of a ban command that can suddenly be ran by anyone and everyone. We love chaos but this is too much even for us! 😄)


All Sapphire pre-included preconditions, which you can see here, will come with handlers for all 3 possible types of preconditions by default.

Internal changes to IPreconditionCondition

For that one person that's not us, the developers, that is working with PreconditionConditions, be aware that the sequential and parallel methods have been removed, and you now have to implement a messageSequential / messageParallel pair, a chatInputSequential / chatInputParallel pair and a contextMenuSequential / contextMenuParallel pair.


All 3 pairs are mandatory.

Internal changes to IPreconditionContainer, PreconditionContainerArray and PreconditionContainerSingle

The run method was removed from here too, and replaced with the methods of messageRun, chatInputRun and contextMenuRun (seeing a pattern already?). These methods should also throw an error if a precondition is lacking the appropriate *Run method (in Sapphire's implementation of these, it does throw an Error)

New things

All flows Preconditions

If your bot has a lot of preconditions, and you support all methods of running a command, or you just want to have them all implemented no matter what, we export an alias to the Precondition class called AllFlowsPrecondition. While this doesn't do much for JavaScript users, for TypeScript users this will force you to implement the aforementioned run methods. Think of it as a simple alias for something simple.

Fetching a channel from an interaction

Sometimes, you need the channel in which an interaction was sent, and either you don't have it cached, or you are running this in a stateless way. To aid with that, we have a utility shortcut function called fetchChannelFromInteraction. As the name suggests, it fetches the channel from the interaction, and returns it for your usage / consumption.


Due to Discord's push to adopt Application Commands, combined with the move of making message contents gated behind a privileged intent (which some love and some hate 🤷), the listeners required for parsing and running message commands are now optionally loaded by setting loadMessageCommandListeners to true in your client options. See an example on the example repository or down below:

const { LogLevel, SapphireClient } = require('@sapphire/framework');

const client = new SapphireClient({
intents: ['GUILDS', 'GUILD_MESSAGES'],
logger: {
level: LogLevel.Debug
loadMessageCommandListeners: true

await client.login();

By default, this is set to false, so if you want Sapphire to handle message commands, you'll have to manually enable it.


For those interested in the internals, the location of the errorListeners and the message-command-listeners have been moved to an internal folder called optionalListeners. You don't have to worry about this unless you contribute to the project and are moving things around

Event renames

A lot of events have been renamed in order to make them clear about what they represent. If you are using our Events object and TypeScript, you will get errors in your code. If all you want is a quick find-and-replace for the event names, here is a table of what has changed to what:

Events object changes

Event object nameNew event object name

Event string names

Event string nameNew event string name

New Events


Values in [] mean they are one of the options you can add at the end of the previous content.

For instance, for GuildSticker[Create/Delete/Update], you have the GuildStickerCreate, GuildStickerDelete and GuildStickerUpdate events.

Discord.js events added:

  • GuildSticker[Create/Delete/Update] (guildSticker[Create/Delete/Update])
  • InteractionCreate (interactionCreate) - This event is handled by Sapphire for application commands and interaction handlers.
  • InvalidRequestWarning (invalidRequestWarning)
  • MessageReactionRemove[All/Emoji] (messageReactionRemove[All/Emoji])
  • StageInstance[Create/Delete/Update] (stageInstance[Create/Delete/Update])
  • Thread[Create/Delete] (thread[Create/Delete])
  • ThreadListSync (threadListSync)
  • ThreadMembersUpdate & ThreadMemberUpdate (threadMembersUpdate & threadMemberUpdate)
  • VoiceServerUpdate (voiceServerUpdate)

Sapphire events added:

  • CommandDoesNotHaveMessageCommandHandler (commandDoesNotHaveMessageCommandHandler) - emitted when a command exists but is not set up to handle message commands.
  • CommandApplicationCommandRegistryError (commandApplicationCommandRegistryError) - emitted when a command cannot register its commands in the ApplicationCommandRegistry.
  • InteractionHandlerParseError (interactionHandlerParseError) - emitted when an interaction handler's parse method throws an error.
  • InteractionHandlerError (interactionHandlerError) - emitted when an interaction handler's run method throws an error.
  • PossibleAutocompleteInteraction (possibleAutocompleteInteraction) - emitted when an autocomplete interaction is received. This event is handled by Sapphire to redirect it to the proper place. Read more on the page about AutoComplete interactions.
  • AutocompleteInteractionSuccess (autocompleteInteractionSuccess) - emitted when an autocomplete interaction successfully runs.
  • AutocompleteInteractionError (autocompleteInteractionError) - emitted when an autocomplete interaction throws an error during handling.

For chat input and context menu commands, the following events are available. Substitute [P] with ChatInput or ContextMenu, and [p] with chatInput or contextMenu (lowercase p represents the string for the event, while uppercase P represents the Events object name)

  • Possible[P]Command (possible[P]Command) - emitted when a chat input or context menu interaction is received. This event is handled by Sapphire to redirect its data to the proper place.
  • Unknown[P]Command (unknown[P]Command) - emitted when we receive an interaction that points to a command we don't know about (either it doesn't exist, or we don't have it registered via the registry).
  • CommandDoesNotHave[P]CommandHandler (commandDoesNotHave[P]CommandHandler) - emitted when a command exists but is not set up to handle the type of command received.
  • Pre[P]CommandRun (pre[P]CommandRun) - emitted when a command should have its preconditions ran before fully running.
  • [P]CommandDenied ([p]CommandDenied) - emitted when a precondition errors and the command is denied from running.
  • [P]CommandAccepted ([p]CommandAccepted) - emitted when all preconditions have succeeded and the command is ready to run.
  • [P]CommandRun ([p]CommandRun) - emitted when a command starts to run.
  • [P]CommandSuccess ([p]CommandSuccess) - emitted when the command runs successfully.
  • [P]CommandError ([p]CommandError) - emitted when the command run method throws an error.
  • [P]CommandFinish ([p]CommandFinish) - emitted when the command run is finished.