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Using the built in Oauth2 route (frontend)


As there are many different libraries for making web frontends these days we will only cover raw HTML and JavaScript on this page. You are responsible for translating this to your own frontend library of choice. Also take note that the data returned after step 3 will need to be stored in some kind of global state. There are many, many ways to do this and we will not cover that here. Refer to the best practises of your frontend library for how to do this.

There are a few steps that you need to authenticate a user:

  1. You need to update the OAuth2 page for your Discord app to include the redirect URL that the user will be sent back to with the code. For example add to the list of redirect URLs.
  2. You need to provide a link or button that when clicked redirects the user to the OAUTH2 authorization URL.
  3. Once the user returns to your website you need to exchange the code for an access token.
  4. Once you have the access token and user data you need to store that somewhere in the current session.

Step 1

Go to your Discord developer portal and to your application and add the redirect URL to the OAUTH2 page. Ideally you first do this for your testing bot, and eventually for your production bot, where you set your production URL.


For the remainder of this guide we will use as the redirect URL. Your production URL will depend on whatever your website URL is.

Step 2

Next up we need to provide the link for authorization. The link can be build up with the following code:

const DiscordOauthURL = ``;

const oauthURL = new URL(DiscordOauthURL); = new URLSearchParams([
['redirect_uri', ''],
['response_type', 'code'],
['scope', ['identify'].join(' ')],
['client_id', '1234567890']
module.exports = {

Replace the value for client_id with the client ID of your Discord app. This is listed on the Discord developer portal on the OAUTH2 page. The redirect_url should be the URL on your frontend that the user is sent back to when they authorize with Discord successfully.

If you want to request additional scopes, you can add them to the scope, for example you add 'guilds' to the array of scopes so you get the user's list of guilds. Make sure you also update the OAUTH2 scopes on your backend to match.

Finally add this link to your frontend somewhere, for example in a button or a link. The most basic implementation of this would be:

<!doctype html>
const DiscordOauthURL = ``;
const oauthURL = new URL(DiscordOauthURL); = new URLSearchParams([
['redirect_uri', ''],
['response_type', 'code'],
['scope', ['identify'].join(' ')],
['client_id', '1234567890']

function redirect() {
<button onclick="redirect()">Login</button>

Step 3 and 4

Once the user returns on your authorization URL (i.e. you need to exchange the code for an access token. This is done by taking the code from the search params, and sending it to the backend.

async function exchangeCodeForAccessToken() {
const codeSearchParam = new URL(window.location.href).searchParams.get('code');

// Call the backend to exchange the code for an access token.
const response = await fetch(`/oauth/callback`, {
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify({
code: codeSearchParam
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'

const data = await response.json();

// Now store data somewhere so you can access it later.
localStorage.setItem('discord-data', JSON.stringify(data));

// Lastly, send the user back to the home page or similar:

Now the user will be authenticated and you will have received the user's data. You can now use this data as you wish in your frontend. There is one last step to implement however and that is being able to refresh the token. For that, go to the next page.