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Using Fetch


Sapphire's fetch package, @sapphire/fetch is a small wrapper around cross-fetch so it will work in both the web browser and the native node.js environment.


npm install @sapphire/fetch


GETting JSON data
// Import the fetch function
const { fetch, FetchResultTypes } = require('@sapphire/fetch');

// Fetch the data. No need to call `.json()` after making the request!
const data = await fetch('', FetchResultTypes.JSON);

// Do something with the data
GETting Buffer data
// Import the fetch function
const { fetch, FetchResultTypes } = require('@sapphire/fetch');

// Fetch the data. No need to call `.buffer()` after making the request!
const sapphireLogo = await fetch('', FetchResultTypes.Buffer);

// sapphireLogo is the `Buffer` of the image
POSTing JSON data
// Import the fetch function
const { fetch, FetchResultTypes, FetchMethods } = require('@sapphire/fetch');

// Fetch the data. No need to call `.json()` after making the request!
const responseData = await fetch(
method: FetchMethods.Post,
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify({
name: 'John Doe'

// Do something with the response data